Archive for 2010/01/21

Brand engagement is in a big state of change right now, with the push to add SEO, social media, video and mobile to your outbound marketing; understanding how to get a ROI and what the right mix is can be challenging.

You’re invited to attend: The Right Web 3.0 Marketing Mix Workshop w/Case Studies on Why You Need to Cover Your Bases Workshop

Thursday, January 28th 2010 at 9 AM PST / Noon ET

We created this workshop to answer the most common questions that our clients are asking and give you practical “use cases” to help you determine what will work best for your brand.

During this 3 hour workshop will be examining each of the key elements you need to consider as you engage with Web 3.0 marketing tools and determine what the right mix should be for you to launch a brand, new product or expand your current reach. We will do this by taking several examples from different client case studies and discuss the importance of Video, SEO, Social Networking and community (yes, Twitter is part of it), and mobile as part of your marketing strategy and talk about how we helped each of these organizations from start to the end result.

We will also go through a recent case study for an online, LIVE streaming community was developed and created by Key Practices. This “social TV portal” broadcasts 90 weekly streaming video web chat shows and has a social networking community; and has grown to be one of the highest trafficked sites for the mom market in less than 6 months. We will also talk about several ways to use new media and social media in the right time and place to build buzz and brand engagement.

The key takeaways from this workshop will be how-to get your baseline set for understanding where your brand is online as well as how to hone in and engage with your target audience. We will cover the basics of SEO, Social Media, Mobile, Video and how it is important to tie these tools all together with your overall marketing plan.

We will also leave an hour open at the end to answer any questions submitted during the registration process as well as answer questions at the end of the session from what we covered during the workshop.

Several Case Studies Will Be Reviewed: Industry cases studies include: software, retail, business services and social networking.

Register Today: Thursday, January 28th 2010 at 9 AM PST / Noon ET

The cost of of this workshop is $74.95 and all workshop attendees will receive copies of all materials shared as well as a discount on any future services needed from Key Practices.